
Hi! Go Green NOLA is the guide for the New Orleans community on how to build and live green. We hope to introduce you to new ways of thinking and living because we know one person can make a difference in her/his community. We also highlight the many people and organizations making a positive and green change in this city.

Featured Articles

Introduction to Yoga

We've found that doing yoga helps reduce the stress that comes from life in New Orleans. It can also bring on a sense of balance and mindfulness. So, we briefly describe the different kinds of yoga and link to a list local yoga studios.

Eat Local Challenge

The Eat Local Challenge is committing to eating foods that are produced locally or in in close proximity to your home. We've outlined steps and resources that make taking the challenge a bit easier.

Start Planting!

Get to gardening as we outline which plants to use, including native and heirloom, and where to get them locally.