About GoGreenNOLA.org

Hi! Go Green NOLA is the guide for the New Orleans community on how to build and live green. We hope to introduce you to new ways of thinking and living because we know one person can make a difference in her/his community ( here’s proof ). We also highlight the many people and organizations making a positive and green change in this city. So, Go Green NOLA!

About GGN

Lillian Lovich
Go Green NOLA was started by Lillian Lovich / Good Egg Web Studio in November 2007. Lillian was born and raised in New Orleans. She is a logician/philosopher by education and a web/interface designer by employment. Thanks to her Croatian father’s life-long love of gardening, Lillian knows how to pick a tasty orange and to outsmart bluejays for figs. She’s only just realized that everyone does not have a backyard mini-orchard (like her dad’s). But she thinks they should! When Lillian is not working on this website, she’s either being crafty, walking her dog Stella, or learning to speak French.

People and ideas that inspire us:

We hope every local government official and every New Orleans citizen will see Majora Carter’s talk as it shows how one person can change her community.

When John Doerr, a venture capitalist, says it’s time for everyone and every business to go green, we know that going green isn’t just for hippies anymore.

About the Website

Most of the content for the site comes to us via Creative Commons (and/or the Fair Use Law). We use superscripted links and normal links to give shoutouts to the authors/content sources (mostly Wikipedia and the LSU AgCenter).Press Coverage

  • Campus Progress’ article Brad Pitt Builds Green Homes in the Big Easy by Megan Slack
    We were highlighted for our information about inexpensive ways to build green in a humid climate.
  • Gardening 101: Community Garden report, New Orleans East, www.gourmet.com
  • New Orleans Eco Tourism, www.weather.com
  • Gambit’s CUE Article by Sarah Andert
    Lillian Lovich interviewed about the website for the Green Issue of the Gambit’s CUE in March 2008.
  • Gambit Blog Post by Jeanne Foster
    Jeanne reviews her carbon footprint as well as the website in her post on Gambit’s blog.